Monday, May 12, 2014

What's The Use?

What's the Use?

What's the use of your Biology degree...
If you dont pray to the One who created every living and non living thing you study ?

What's the use of your Engineering degree...
If you dont build a relationship with the One who engineered everything in this whole universe ?

What's the use of your Medical degree...
If you can't cure your heart from greed, gossip, envy, arrogance and lust ?

What's the use of your Education degree... 

If you dont teach your own children how to pass the tests of life ?

What's the use of your Literature degree...

If you dont read the book written by your Lord ?

What's the use of your Law degree... 

If you dont follow the law of the judge of the highest court - the master of the Day of Judgement ?

The degree that matters most....
Is the degree of Jannah you will ascend to.

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