Sunday, December 7, 2014

You Have the Power!

We all want a better society, a better ummah, a better community. But you can’t do what everyone else is doing and expect a different outcome. My dear sisters, we hold in our hands the power to create the next leaders of our cities, states, of America, and of the Muslim Ummah. Leaders who will  become lawyers and judges and politicians and change the unfair laws in this country, who will join together and solve the crises in the Muslim countries, who will create cleaner air, water, and food systems, and so much more. We need the next Abu Bakr (RA), Uthman (RA), and Ali (RA)… but they will not come out of thin air, WE HAVE TO MAKE THEM. Because the leaders of tomorrow are not ones who will be fighting physical wars, they will be fighting the war of liberating minds: A war of spiritual, mental, stereotypical, and societal change. 

But how can our children be leaders when they barely know one Juz of the Qur’an? When they stand up to pray they don’t even understand what they are saying? When they don’t have time to read the words of their Creator? When they don’t have time to go to the Masjid? When they don’t have time to learn and follow the Sunnah of the Prophet? Where will their guidance come from? Where will their inspiration come from? 

The only way to make such leaders is to equip them with what they really need: the Qur’an, the Sunnah, discipline, life skills, character and manners. The current school system makes it very difficult for parents to have enough quality time with their children and very difficult for a child to have the time and emotional freedom to memorize and understand the Qur’an, keep up their Arabic, time to experience real life or time to just think and reflect on society. Homeschooling allows me to be a role model for my children. It allows me to protect them from bad influences. It enables me to spend quality time with my children. I can get them into good habits of praying on time, reading Qur’an, eating healthy, exercise, saying the daily du’as. They can spend more time with their fathers and siblings developing solid relationships which are key to creating strong families. They are able to go with their father daily to the masjid where they can interact with uncles and Shaykhs and other kids whose families share the same value of being attached to the masjid. It allows them to be part of the community- participating in events, volunteering, going to halaqas and lectures. 

There is nothing easy in this world, so why not take this difficulty upon yourself in order to build a better future for generations to come and when you meet Allah you can say that you tried to make the world a better place. 

May Allah facilitate for us this important work and beautify our children’s hearts with Iman, Qur’an, good character, and love. 

Note: My intention is to inspire parents to take charge of their children's lives and show that homeschooling makes it easier to do so, but I know that it is not the only way and I know that not all can homeschool due to various circumstances. 

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